
Changing the way the world sees beauty one photoshoot, one model, one photo at a time.

To create art out of pieces that our Western culture deems unworthy of being beautiful is a goal we should all aspire to.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What I Learned From My First (technically second...) Blacklight Shoot

On Lighting....
- A white light to bounce off the ceiling behind a black backdrop will provide just enough to get facial features and a hair glow in the photos.

On Makeup...
- Hair with texture really POPS in photos.
- If you think something is missing... it probably is.
- UV paints as mascara... GENIUS! (Thanks Emily!)  Though, there is something to be said about seeing the black against the paint (like in Amber's pics)...

My wish list of things I wish I fixed
- Jeremy's "Warrior Mask":  needed something on the jawline or mouth to add definition
- Amanda's Hair": she had a uv reactive hair piece in, however, she needed something to frame her face.  putting uv orange hair spray in would've done the trick.

On Tripods...
- The higher a tripod can go, the better.  Gives more angels to work with.

Things I'm going to try at the next Blacklight shoot (Feb 12/13)
 Using a strobe set at a very low light level with a blue filter on it.
Hopefully it'll have the effect I want.

Won't know until I try it :)


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